Architecture is not for selected few but EVERYONE.

Suburban House (Puyallup, Washington State, USA)

The project started as an ambition of a young architect trying to fulfill his dream to design and build his own house with a very limited budget.  The project became possible with the idea of splitting his property where his family lived and building a new house in the back accessed from the side road.  […]

Playhouse III

How to keep outdoor play equipment and toys neat?  Playbox is a storage structure that can be transformed into a play structure. Drawers of sandbox and toy storage are tucked underneath the ground platform.  Sliding roof and openable wall/platform extension with pulleys enclosed the upper platform.  When all the components are opened, kids can play […]

Playhouse II

This playhouse is intended to teach children our mother nature.  Water, earth and sky are the components of mother nature to be explored within the structure. Water is located on the ground floor as clear acrylic or polycarbonate pool.  Above it is earth in the form of sand box.  Again, acrylic or polycarbonate materials for […]


Children need different types of play structure to explore their interests.  Some will require more active type structure, others will be more interested in domesticated structure, while all might be attracted to something explorative or constructive.  It is equally important to allow children to be able to play together to exercise their social skills. This […]

Pentagon Memorial (Washington, DC, USA, Competition)

The Pentagon Memorial is designed to describe the 9/11 tragedy as the destruction of physical characteristics of built environment and human bodies but  not human spirit.  Courage, bravery, and love prevail. The glass enclosure symbolizes the human spirit.  The trapezoid shape is exactly 1/3 of the destroyed portion of the Pentagon.  The trajectory of American […]

Elim EFC Church Cross (Puyallup, Washington State, USA)

The project is to replace an existing dilapidated wooden cross with a new one that expresses the meaning of the cross. The design is based on the scripture taken from the book of Isaiah’s description of Christ. The proposed cross is made of a perforated rusting steel to express the humility of Christ.  The cross […]

Promotion and Cultural Center (Houston, Texas, USA)

This project is approximately 4,000 SF of  permanent exhibition space in Indonesian consulate building in Houston, TX. The exhibition space is dedicated to show the richness of Indonesian culture and natural resources. Indonesia is a very diverse and complex country.  It cannot be described or understood by its diversity but by what holds the country […]

Martin Luther King Junior Memorial (Washington, DC, USA, Competition)

MLK’s writings and speeches are the most important artifacts we inherited from him.  His words are so profound and powerful. The challenge for the monument design is how to create a space where people can read MLK’s words and being induced to act and to realize his dream. The design proposes four layers of glass […]

Floating Wood Dinner Table

The intention is to create intriguing, ambiguous and cheap dinner table. The table is made out of ready-to-use 4” x 4” x 4’-0” wood block and steel rods.  No cutting, finishing or special joints needed.  The wood block is drilled to receive spaced evenly steel rods legs in a diagonal pattern.  This allows an illusion […]

Tenggarong Theological Seminary Dormitory (Tenggarong, Borneo, Indonesia)

This project is intended to house a minimum of 12 dorm rooms for two students in each room. The size of the building is limited to the budget they had at the moment which is approximately $ 50,000. The building should also fit with local culture and climate. The site was not determined yet, but […]