Siebert Remodel (Tacoma, Washington State, USA)

The Sieberts moved into Stevens Addition in early 2022 after purchasing it in late 2021. To accommodate their family of four with two teenagers, they needed to remodel the original house built in 1973 designed by Jane Hastings, FAIA to accommodate an additional bedroom and a bathroom for their daughter. They decided to remodel the […]
Lara DADU (Tacoma, Washington State, USA)

The goals of the project as set by the owners are unifying the existing house and detached garage, not replicating the existing house due to cost, having a storage loft, a patio, and additional off-street parking for the Detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (DADU). To respond to these goals, a simple concept is deployed. The existing […]
Gibson House (Moses Lake, Washington State, USA)

The site is a long and narrow site on a bluff overlooking Moses Lake. There is an existing gable roof garage/storage structure. The neighboring houses are surrounding the site fairly closely (7.5’ setbacks). The proposed design uses the simple gable of the existing garage/storage structure as the basic form for the garage of the house […]
Oliva Deck (Tacoma, Washington State, USA)

Jeon Remodel (Seattle, Washington State, USA)

Jeon Remodel is a remodel project for a house originally owned and designed by Jane Hastings, FAIA. The house, known as Johnston-Hastings house, was built in 1974 and won a Seattle AIA Honor Award in 1977. The new owners are happy with the house in accommodating their young family of four, but they want to […]
Tree House Module (Ruins in Rural France)

NESTLING|Nature reclaims man-made ruins Vibrac, Mothe Chandeniers, and Ebaupinay are the site of abandoned man-made structures in which nature has reclaimed its place over time. The ruins are overtaken by three distinct types of plants: the freestanding trees, the hanging vines, and the attaching epiphyte. The nest-inspired tree houses are nestling within the ruins and […]
LAFC (Lakewood, Washington State, USA)

Lakewood Adult Family Care (LAFC) project is for a couple from Kenya who dreamed of opening a five-bedroom adult family care facility. They have a big dream with a limited budget. The proposed design is very simple. Bedroom wings are oriented north-south for solar orientation. They are then connected by communal/gathering spaces such as kitchen, […]
Benteng Tinggi Dormitories (Near Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia)

Benteng Tinggi Dormitories is located within Benteng Tinggi campus retreat compound at the foothill of a mountainous area in South Sulawesi province in the eastern part of Indonesia. It is sited on three relatively flat areas on campus surrounding a nearby chapel, a soon-to-be-renovated office building, and a recently-built caretaker house. Each building is oriented […]
The Ranch House (Yelm, Washington State, USA)

This project is a total renovation on an existing rambler on Washington State rural prairie for an avid horse riding and ranching couple. They have a limited budget and decide to renovate and expand their house to be more functional and open to suit their needs. The house is a typical Americana gable rambler with […]
Terpstra Addition/A Cloud over My House (Tacoma, Washington State, USA)

This project is a second floor master bedroom and bathroom addition to an existing two-bedroom house on a typical residential lot in Tacoma, Washington. The lot is on a slope in a dense eclectic residential neighborhood dominated by large front deck looking towards Puget Sound. To minimize disruption to the existing house, the second floor […]